Punctual services Image Advising
Positioning: establishing an identity to distinguish the organization / public person in the perception of the public in a favorable manner towards the competitors, based on market segmentation research and the affinity of the target audience;
Creation or adaptation of the organizational/person Brand: Transposition of the organization/person’s identity in an agreeable form for the target audience or adaptation, based on surveys, of the organization/person brand, to the new positioning strategy;
Advising in staff training: advising on the training of the positioning program implementation team, advising on training for the persons that represent the organization in public, advice in establishing working procedures of the implementation team;
Advising on implementation of positioning strategy: defining how to use the Brand resulted from the positioning strategy: association, dissociation, position on existing themes, bringing new topics into discussion and generate solutions to pressing problems, principles of press management, principles for managing the public relations, etc.