Punctual services
Speeches, handouts, messages, rights of reply

Conceiving public speeches: textual transposition of a topic in a concise speech, well-calculated over time, documenting the theme of the speech, forecasting press questions and conceiving possible answers;
Conceiving rights of reply: setting the form of right of reply, its contents, submitting it to the editors for publishig the next day;
Writing handouts useful in TV/radio debates: conceiving messages that can be used in televised debates, speech schemes for TV debates, answer schemes for the questions the TV host can ask, schemes to avoid unpleasant questions from the press;
The design of key messages, useful for public events: short statements that may become subjects to a news release, key messages on issues of public topic;
Conceiving advertising articles: wrapping of any journalistic Information that promotes the company, person, institution;
Conceiving answers and counter-attack positions: materials "reply" to "reply" helpful in TV shows, written communications, as a form of reaction to an event;
Conceiving open letters: attracting public and media attention by reporting a current problem in an open letter; 

Conceiving responses to media requests: prompt and accurate responses to any request of the press;
Conceiving of public inquiries: editing, transmission and promotion of public interpellations;
Concieving testimonies for public hearings: speeches on topics for public hearings, pros/cons arguments on the topic;